1. Follow Winnipesaukee Soap Company on Pinterest www.pinterest.com/oshunspirit/winnipesaukee-soap-company
2. Create a Pinterest Board titled “Winnipesaukee Soap Company Pin To Win”
Use the Holiday/Events Category for your board.
3. Repin the contest ad at left to your board plus at least 5 images of the NH Lakes Region in winter and your 5 favorite products from www.winnisoapco.com
4. Use these hashtags in each of your pins #winnipesaukeesoap #stockingstuffer #pinto win
5. Email a link to your pinboard thru the “contact us” form on our website by midnight Thursday, November 27.
3 Winners of a random drawing will be announced on Black Friday, November 28 on this website.
Winnipesaukee Soap Company
Pamper your skin with confidence, knowing that our all-natural products are always safe for you, and for the Earth.